A Bum Building

​Jakarta just now. Still any a bum building. the abandoned building so many in the edge of Jakarta. they use this opportunity for they life. They sleep, They take a bath, They eat, and so on. we said they are a bum building.

I saw this momment when i go to behind view of the hotel which i stay. I stay on area kebon jeruk, near with elite area, Thamrin we said. 

Cool Man in Station

Matsumoto station, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. I wait my friend in front of the station, Matsumoto Station. sit down on brench of station. see the peoples walk a way. japanesee people have different style with another people. as a young i ser the style of japanesee people is cool. harajuku and other style is amazing. 

Coin Hunter

at the pelabuhan roro punggur, batam, indonesia. Now on December 11th, is the short time for holiday, so crowded. Many people go to Bintan Island use ferry roro. in Bintan island almost of them go to lagoi beach and trikora beach. 

in pelabuhan roro punggur, so many aaachildren above the ferry. They swim arrounded ferry and say hello  to passanger. and the passanger respons about it with say hello again and throw the coin in to the children. so crowded situation.

4 Leg but 5 Sandals

i supprised when i sit in the locomotive of KRL Jakarta – Bogor. Haaaaa…! what the hell, any person using 5 sandal but there is only 4 leg, where is one more leg? i think again, look turn right, and look turn left. any something wrong?

Haaaaaaa… i hadn’t turn up side… there is a one leg which bended behind he sit, down of his ass. hahahaa… this effect of last night, and not sit down in the cheap KRL *Kereta Listrik Jakarta – Bogor.

Demonstrantor Blasphemer

212, this day on friday,December 12th, 2016 had a historical day which had written. Some moslem indonesia gone to Jakarta to demonstrant with praying together. In monas (They said national moseum) they meet, for pray to Allah and ask to Allah may give justice to governor blasphemer, Ahok. 

The peoples on the picture, are some peoples which do long march to monas. and one of them, go forward to take some picture with their poster “Penjarakan Ahok”